
Beyond Sushi for Kids

Our pre-New Year’s Eve adventures unfolded at one of my all-time favorite vegan havens in NYC, the illustrious Beyond Sushi. Though I stumbled upon this gem in midtown a few years ago when I was performing nearby, the real litmus test was introducing my daughter and nephew to its delights. As we settled into the cozy atmosphere, my nephew, initially skeptical upon discovering that the sushi was entirely vegan, underwent a rapid transformation. One bite later, both he and my daughter sported wide smiles, enthusiastically raving about the extraordinary flavors that danced on their taste buds. It was a heartening moment, celebrating their courage to venture into the realm of something new and plant-based. In the spirit of culinary exploration, may we all be as daring and open-hearted, embracing the joy that comes from discovering delicious surprises beyond our familiar tastes. Cheers to the magic of trying something new!